Tuesday 18 October 2011


Hi again!
I have found other dish to share with you, it is called « Shepherds ‘ pie ». Probably if someone tells you that is going to eat « Shepherds’s pie, you will think about a pie with the person who cares for the sheep and lambs on the mountain. But not it is the name of the dish that I am going to talk about.
Shepherds’ pie is a traditional British dish consisting on a layer of minced lamb and mashed potatoes coated and optionally a layer of cheese. Normally it is cooked with minced lamb, hence « Shepherd », although a high number of people prefer veal meat.

There are some variants of the « Shepherd’s pie »:
A « Shepherd’s pie » cooked with veal meat is called « Cottage pie ».
A similar dish made with fish intead of beef and lamb is the “Fisherman’s pie”.
There is also a vegetarian versión that can be done with legumes such as lentils, beans, or something like that, and it is called « Shepherdess’ pie ».

I Know that it seems delicious, so if you want to taste it, you only have to choose the kind of « Pie » that you prefer and cook it. It is very easy.

By María José Gómez Guerra.

1 comment:

  1. this dish seems interesting...and probably the vegetarian version is so delicious! ;)
