Sunday 16 October 2011


Do you like potatoes? If you do, you may realise that you'll never be hungry! Just take a potato an add anything you have in the kitchen!
Jacket Potato is actually called like that because is served normally wearing its “jacket” (peel). It is very typical of England and is normally offered in pubs.
It basically consists on baking a potato, preferably a big one, and just opening it down the middle and adding some ingredients.

You don't what to put?
Okay, the answer is: anything!
Here you have some advice:
-Baked beans
-Tuna mayonnaise
-"Chili con carne"
-Coleslaw (English sauce that normally contains cabbage, carrot, onion and mayonnaise)
-Bacon, cheese, butter, cream cheese, butter

If you are a little undecided and you are brave enough, put it all together!

By: Ángel Barbecho Ortega

1 comment:

  1. Angel your articles is perfect when you have not time to cook also those potatoes can develop our imagination with new combination of flavors!
