Monday 17 October 2011


Have you ever tried a "Cumberland Sausage"? If you haven't, you should try it because it is not an usual or ordinary sausage!
Cumberland Sausage is a kind of sausage that is typically from England.
It is very long, up to 50 cm and it is wrapped in a spiral form.
It is cooked with a variety of herbs and spices and it traditionally has neither preservatives nor colourings. It can be served with French fries, peas and fried eggs or with red cabbage.
One big characteristic of this sausage is that is chopped, not mince, that´s why this sausage has a chunky texture.

Its name is due to its origin. Cumberland Sausage is from England, specifically from the north, from a region called Cumbria.
This sausage has been a speciality for more or less 500 years. It keeps on being a speciality but the main ingredient has changed a bit: the meat of the sausage is pork but, few years before, it was a special kind of pork: the Cumberland Pig. It was a local variety of pig, heavier with stronger bones and adapted to the cold weather but it became extinct 50 years ago.

Oh! An interesting fact: In March 2011, Protected Geographical Status was granted to the “Traditional Cumberland Sausage” in order to protect its name.

By: Nuria María Ortiz Sánchez.


  1. It seems longer than 50cm, and I guess it's thought for eating an entire family... What a long sausage!!
    Besides, I got very surprised with the number of years since it's being prepared, and although the pig isn't the same, I think the flavour has to be as tasty as it was then...looks good! ;)

  2. I ate this yesterday at the uni! hahah However, I hate British sausages, theyre nothing compared to spanish ones. xx

  3. Thanks for the comments!!!! =D

    Yes, MªJosé, although the pig isn't the same anymore, Cumberland Sausages have to be delicious!
    I would like to try them!

  4. Hahahaha Rodry, really???
    What a coincidence!! I'm sure they are so tasty. . .!
