As I have already said in other posts, we all know that technology is really important in our lives and we use it all the time for everything: we watch TV; we listen to the radio; we call friends and of course we use computers and internet almost all the time. All this technology gives us many advantages and the ability to do a lot of things that without it we couldn’t achieve. But like everything, it has some bad aspects, for example, it can damage our health and affect our nutrition.
If while eating we use our computers - to talk to friends, to write emails, to watch videos, to read the news, to play computer games or anything of the like - we don't pay attention to what we are eating but instead we just eat and eat automatically. We also consume more calories than usual; our brain is more concentrated on what we are doing on the computer than on savouring the food, so we therefore don't feel as full as we would if we had eaten without any distraction. It can also occur that one feels hungry after having finished and feels the need to snack, which also affects the digestion and makes one fatter.
Also spending so much time online leaves us no time to take exercise and means we don’t move to pass the time doing other things because we can spend hours and hours in front of our computer. Another bad aspect is that we can be connected virtually with friends while eating, but we loose our real connection with our family.
Of course for university, our jobs and being in contact with friends it is necessary to be online constantly but we must be aware that our health has priority and we should take care of our body. So sometimes it is good to leave technology aside for a while and enjoy life without it, especially at meal times when we should pay attention to our food, savour it, eat slowly and treasure this time with others.
wow, clara! what you say is true... i usually eat so much when im talking to my friends in facebook, tuenti, messenger, etc... but now... i think i should change my habbits because what i do is really bad! thanks for the information! :)